Getting started with D-STAR on the IC-705
Although my preferred digital mode is DMR, I thought it would be fun to try D-STAR as well. There are plenty of instructions and videos out there, so I'll keep this one brief.
Step one is to register your callsign with the D-STAR Gateway system: D-STAR Gateway System (
Actually I'm not entirely certain what you can and can't do if you haven't yet registered, but it seems like a good idea!
Next, configure the IC-705 with your D-STAR settings. These can be found in:
- Menu / Set / My Station / My Call Sign. Put your callsign before the slash and any additional info (such as "P" if portable) after it. Or you could use the field after the slash to identify your rig, especially if you have more than one. Mine is set to "G4CTP /705".
- Menu / Set / My Station / TX Message. Use this for additional info sent with your transmission. Mine is set to "Russell IO91RG".
It is very useful to load the IC-705 memory with repeater channels. A complete global list is available for download on the ICOM site: IC-705 | Firmware / Software | Support | Icom Inc. ( However, I found it more manageable to download just the UK lists from here:
Here are the four files that I downloaded, and note the instructions on how to import them:
To load these files into the IC-705, it is easiest to use the CS-705 software:
- "Clone Read" to load the current configuration.
- Navigate to Digital / Repeater List in the tree menu.
- Right-click on one of the group slots - either a vacant one or an occupied one which will be overwritten - and select "Import / Group..." then one of the four downloaded files.
- Repeat for the other three files, each into a group slot.
- "File / Save As..." to keep a copy of your IC-705 configuration.
- "Clone Write" to update the rig.
Note that the analogue repeater lists are also loaded into the Digital repeater slots! Although this is counterintuitive the IC-705 doesn't mind at all, and there is a benefit in doing it this way. The wonderful feature of mixing analogue and digital repeater lists is that the IC-705 will now happily scan for local repeaters (analogue and digital) based on the GPS location. To do this:
- Long-press the "Call/DR" button to get into Digital Repeater mode.
- Select "Menu / Scan".
- Long-press the Scan soft-key, and select "Near Repeater (DV/FM).
Now, pressing the Scan soft-key will initiate a scan across all repeaters local to your current GPS position.
In terms of how to use D-STAR, I'm not going to repeat the many excellent instructions and videos available on the internet, other than to one that is particularly useful for ICOM users:
...but he forgot to point out that you have to press the PTT for a couple of seconds to send the "Link" command to the repeater.
For DMR users, here are some hints regarding D-STAR differences and terminology:
- There are no talkgroups. The reflectors fulfil a similar function.
- There is no "promiscuous mode". You can only listen to one reflector at a time.
- There are vast quantities of reflectors - most of which seem to be rarely used! Also, the purpose of each reflector is often not as well-defined as talkgroups are in the DMR world. So which reflector to use? That's a challenge! REF001C, REF030C and XLX005B seem to be fairly active general-purpose reflectors.
- "REF" reflectors seem to be D-STAR only, and "XLX" reflectors can be multi-mode including bridging to DMR talkgroups (usually Brandmeister).
There are some dashboards showing reflector activity, and I have found these to be useful:
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