
I have decided to change from using to Cloudlog as my primary logging software. The main reason for doing this is so that I own the database on my machine, rather than trusting it to someone else's server.

It is installed on a Raspberry Pi - and that is where the database lives. Although this machine isn't on 24 hours/day, it is normally turned on when I'm doing anything related to amateur radio. If I need logging from a remote location (e.g. if I'm operating whilst on holiday), then I can leave the Pi running at home.

I followed the installation instructions here: - except that the resulting installation had a problem with php-xml until I changed from PHP 7.3 to PHP 7.4, i.e.:

sudo apt-get install php7.4 php7.4-curl php7.4-mysql php7.4-mbstring php7.4-xml php7.4-openssl

Why this should be is a mystery... but it worked for me!

Next, I set my router's port forwarding so that incoming Port 80 points to the Raspberry Pi. I already use a Dynamic DNS, and this means I can access my log from anywhere.

Having followed the installation instructions, including setting up cron jobs, I then created two station locations. One is my primary "Home (IO91RG)" location, for general logging. The other is for repeater contacts (including DMR and D-Star). In this way I can segregate unassisted QSOs -- which count towards DXCC and other awards -- from repeater and internet-assisted QSOs.

I am still maintaining a free log, so now my logging work-flow is a little complex. Here is the strategy:

  1. For everyday HF and VHF QSOs, I will log these in Cloudlog. Periodically, I will create an ADIF export, and load this to
  2. For VHF/UHF contests, I log these in Minos. From Minos, I save a record of the contest in ADIF, which is then used as my contest entry and also imported into Cloudlog and
  3. For everyday FT8, the log is generated automatically by WSJT-X. Periodically, I load this ADIF into Cloudlog and
  4. For FT8 contests, I temporarily rename WSJT-X's existing log files to wsjtx_log_temp.adi and wsjtx_temp.log. Then WSJT-X will automatically generate new wsjtx_log.adi and wsjtx.log log files for the contest. At the end of the contest I rename these to wsjtx_log_[date].adi and wsjtx_[date].log, using the date of the contest. The .adi file forms my contest entry; it is stored for posterity, and it is uploaded to Cloudlog and Then I rename wsjtx_log_temp.adi and wsjtx_temp.log back to wsjtx_log.adi and wsjtx.log.



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