Dropping a Phoenix Talkgroup on a Hotspot (DMR Part 3a)
This is a quick addendum to Part 3, which has been amended to include TG400.
When operating on the Phoenix network using a hotspot, sooner or later you will have the frustrating experience of opening a user-activated talkgroup that is in use by a QSO... which you than can't manage to release so that you can listen to a different talkgroup.
Unlike other networks, the Pi-Star dashboard does not have a "drop" option for Phoenix talkgroups. In fact, there are three ways to disconnect:
1. Wait 15 minutes without transmitting on that talkgroup. It will time out. You can monitor the timeout on the Phoenix F dashboard - it is the number in parentheses after the talkgroup number.
2. Reboot the Pi-Star! Drastic, but it works.
3. Make a group call to TG400 (yes, 400). I found this out from this useful post on the Pi-Star forum: What is the correct method to drop a TG on Phoenix? - forum.pistar.uk
So, to add TG400 to your codeplug:
- Create a Digital Contact with a Group Call to TG400 (called "TG400 Disconnect")
- Create a Channel corresponding to the Contact (also called "TG400 Disconnect")
- Add the Channel to a Zone
- Save and upload the Code Plug
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